Dear Applicant:
Thank you for your interest in 311 Puuhue. Before proceeding with the application, please be sure you have all required documents available, including the following:
Two Forms of Current Identification:
- Driver’s License or ID card issued by a State or outlying possession of the US provided
- ID Card issued by a federal, state, or local government agencies or entities, provided it contains name and photograph
- Permanent Resident Card or Alien
Registration Receipt Card (Form I-551)
- U.S. Passport or U.S. Passport Card
- Foreign passport
- Certificate of report of birth issued by the Department of State
- Social Security Account Number card
- US Military card or Military dependent’s ID card
Proof of Income:
- Recent pay stub (60 days worth of stubs) or Letter from employer on company letterhead with anticipated annual income (recently hired)
- Social Security Benefits, Pensions, or Annuity
- Tax return (e.g., 1040, 1040EZ) (self-employment)
- General Excise Tax Records (self-employment)
- Proof of Assets greater than 1 year's rent (e.g., bank/mutual fund statements)
Once you start your application, please do not stop or close your web browser during the application process. All information will be lost, and you will need to begin your application again. We look forward to reviewing your application.
Corelogic® SafeRent® Applicant Screening and Corelogic® SafeRent® Criminal Search
1. Each prospective occupant that is 18 years of age or older is required to complete an individual application.
2. Identity Verification. Two forms of ID will be required from all applicants and co-signers. A current Government issued photo identification & one other form of ID is acceptable.
3. Consent to Verify Credit and Criminal Background. All applicants and co-signers must agree to the following by executing this Resident Selection Criteria form, a Rental Application form, and a Consent form:
I hereby consent to allow Marcus Property Mgmt, through its designated agent and its employees,
to obtain and verify my credit information including a criminal background search for the purpose
of determining whether or not to lease to me a home. I understand that should I lease a home,
Marcus Property Mgmt and its agent shall have a continuing right to review my credit
information, rental application, criminal background, payment history and occupancy history for account review purposes and for improving application methods.
5. Criminal Background Search. During our application screening, we will conduct a criminal background search. It is our policy not to lease to applicants which fall into the following categories:
All Felony Convictions are automatically denied.
All Misdemeanor Arrests and Unknown Dispositions are denied for records that are 7 years or less.
All Misdemeanor Convictions are denied for:
- Offenses against property
- Offenses against persons
- Offenses involving firearms or weapons
- Offenses involving illegal drugs
- Offenses involving sex or sex crimes
All Misdemeanor Arrests and Unknown Dispositions are denied for records that are 7 years or less for the following offenses:
- Offenses against property
- Offenses against persons
- Offenses involving firearms or weapons
- Offenses involving illegal drugs
- Offenses involving sex or sex crimes
All Unknown Level of Offense Convictions are denied for:
- Offenses against property
- Offenses against persons
- Offenses involving firearms or weapons
- Offenses involving illegal drugs
- Offenses involving sex or sex crimes
All Unknown Level of Offense Arrests and Unknown Dispositions are denied for 7 years or less for the following offenses:
- Offenses against property
- Offenses against persons
- Offenses involving firearms or weapons
- Offenses involving illegal drugs
- Offenses involving sex or sex crimes
If the criminal background search reveals past criminal behavior which is contrary to your lease application, our acceptance of your lease application will be withdrawn.
6. Income Verification.
To process your application, we will require verification of all forms of income by providing the following:
- Recent pay stub (60 days’ worth of stubs) or Letter from employer on company letterhead with anticipated annual income (recently hired)
- Social Security Benefits, Pensions, or Annuity
- Tax return (e.g., 1040, 1040EZ) (self-employment)
- General Excise Tax Records (self-employment)
All income must be provided and verified, or your income is contrary to your lease application, our acceptance of your lease application will be withdrawn.
7. Prior Landlord Reference
At least one (1) prior landlord reference is required to be verified. If the landlord reference is not satisfactory the application will be declined.
8. Evictions Check
SafeRent® Applicant Screening examines millions of evictions records from over two-thirds of the U.S. to discover past landlord/tenant filings or evictions against each applicant. Any declined applicants will receive an Adverse Action letter indicating that an eviction filing, or judgment record was found.
9. Fraud Check
SafeRent® Applicant Screening performs fraud checks on all social security numbers (SSNs) against the Social
Security Administration’s fraud database. Any fraudulent applications will result in a declined application.
10. FBI Terrorist/Most Wanted Check
Each applicant’s name is checked against an FBI database of individuals and aliases listed as Terrorists and Most Wanted. If a match is found further investigation will be done through the FBI website. Once confirmed the application will be declined.
11. Wanted Fugitive Lists Published by (10) additional Federal Agencies
Each applicant’s name is checked against agencies such as the U.S. Department of Justice, the U.S. Customs Service, the U.S. Marshals Service, the U.S. Secret Service, the U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency and others. If a match is found the application will be declined.
12. Other Wanted Fugitive Lists
Each applicant’s name is checked against state and local law enforcement agencies. If a match is found the application will be declined.
13. Manager Approval
Landlord reserves the right to collect more than one application over a period before making any selections. The best qualified applicant will be selected. All applications will subject to personal interviews by the property manager as part of the qualification process.
14. Application Fees
A $25.00 non-refundable application fee is required for each applicant in the form of Money Order,
Cashier’s Check or our online payment system, Zego (payment page will open once you submit your application) . Once the completed application and fee are received, the fee cannot be withdrawn after processing begins. In the event we receive an NSF notice for application fee payments the application will be declined. In the event a co-signer is required a $25.00 non-refundable application fee is required for the co-signor. All other applicants will also be required to submit an additional application fee to process all applications.
15. Application Processing
In the event multiple applications are received for the same rental home we will process all applications in the order that they are received according to the time and date submitted. No applications will be processed with missing information or without receipt of application fees. The best qualified applicant will be offered the rental unit and any additional approved applicants will be placed on our priority waiting list.
Once the unit is ready to be occupied it will be offered to the best qualified applicant. Security deposit payment is required within 24 hours of notification of approval. At the time a security deposit is paid you will be asked to sign and agree to the terms of our Security Deposit Receipt. Security Deposit payments must be in the form of aCashier’s Check or Money Order. In the event the security deposit payment or signature on the Security Deposit Receipt is not received the unit will be offered to the next approved applicant. Security deposits will be deposited upon receipt and conveys intent to take occupancy of the vacant unit no more than 7 days from receipt of deposit. In the event we receive an NSF notice for security deposit payments, our acceptance of your lease application will be withdrawn.
By signing below, I agree to all terms specified in this rental application.