2401 Kula Kolea Drive Honolulu, HI 96819
Price: $818,000
Status: Active
NO SHOWINGS AT THIS TIME. Nice big lot with yard and room to possibly add a second story, ADU or build a new home. Buyer to do due diligence. Yard has banana and palm trees. House and yard need work but with imagination and creativity could be restored to be beautiful. Small ocean view from yard. Bedroom count differs from public record. Carport has been enclosed as a living area and an additional bathroom has been added on the side of the house but both are unpermitted. House appears bigger than 930 sq. ft. and has great possibilities. Hardwood floors in living room could be lovely again with some elbow grease. Parking on driveway up to 6 cars.
Although the property has a country feel it is conveniently located close to town via Likelike Highway. Being sold "as is". Bring your ideas and creativity and make it home. Listing by: Avalon Realty LLC (808) 630-6118
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string(839) "NO SHOWINGS AT THIS TIME. Nice big lot with yard and room to possibly add a second story, ADU or build a new home. Buyer to do due diligence. Yard has banana and palm trees. House and yard need work but with imagination and creativity could be restored to be beautiful. Small ocean view from yard. Bedroom count differs from public record. Carport has been enclosed as a living area and an additional bathroom has been added on the side of the house but both are unpermitted. House appears bigger than 930 sq. ft. and has great possibilities. Hardwood floors in living room could be lovely again with some elbow grease. Parking on driveway up to 6 cars.
Although the property has a country feel it is conveniently located close to town via Likelike Highway. Being sold "as is". Bring your ideas and creativity and make it home."
array(1) {
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array(1) {
string(15) "FS - Fee Simple"
array(1) {
string(6) "Kalihi"
array(1) {
string(4) "Dole"
array(1) {
string(10) "Farrington"
array(1) {
string(4) "AVAL"
array(1) {
string(15) "jy@avalonhi.com"
array(1) {
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array(1) {
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[MLSNumber] => Array
[0] => 202318696
[StreetNumber] => Array
[0] => 2401
[PropertyType] => Array
[0] => Single Family
[StreetName] => Array
[0] => Kula Kolea
[StreetSuffix] => Array
[0] => Drive
[UnitNumber] => Array
[0] =>
[City] => Array
[0] => Honolulu
[StateOrProvince] => Array
[0] => HI
[PostalCode] => Array
[0] => 96819
[VirtualTourURLUnbranded] => Array
[0] =>
[ListPrice] => Array
[0] => 818000.00
[CurrentPrice] => Array
[0] => 818000.00
[Neighbourhood] => Array
[Status] => Array
[0] => Active
[PublicRemarks] => Array
[0] => NO SHOWINGS AT THIS TIME. Nice big lot with yard and room to possibly add a second story, ADU or build a new home. Buyer to do due diligence. Yard has banana and palm trees. House and yard need work but with imagination and creativity could be restored to be beautiful. Small ocean view from yard. Bedroom count differs from public record. Carport has been enclosed as a living area and an additional bathroom has been added on the side of the house but both are unpermitted. House appears bigger than 930 sq. ft. and has great possibilities. Hardwood floors in living room could be lovely again with some elbow grease. Parking on driveway up to 6 cars.
Although the property has a country feel it is conveniently located close to town via Likelike Highway. Being sold "as is". Bring your ideas and creativity and make it home.
[ListOfficeName] => Array
[0] => Avalon Realty LLC
[BedsTotal] => Array
[0] => 3
[BathsFull] => Array
[0] => 1
[BathsHalf] => Array
[0] => 0
[LotSizeArea] => Array
[0] => 6489.00
[SqftTotal] => Array
[0] => 930
[YearBuilt] => Array
[0] => 1956
[BuildingName] => Array
[0] =>
[PropertyCondition] => Array
[0] => Tear Down
[ParkingTotal] => Array
[0] => 6
[StoriesType] => Array
[0] => One
[View] => Array
[0] => None
[MaintenanceExpense] => Array
[0] =>
[LandTenure] => Array
[0] => FS - Fee Simple
[ElementarySchool] => Array
[0] => Kalihi
[MiddleOrJuniorSchool] => Array
[0] => Dole
[HighSchool] => Array
[0] => Farrington
[ListOfficeMLSID] => Array
[0] => AVAL
[ListAgentEmail] => Array
[0] => jy@avalonhi.com
[ListAgentDirectWorkPhone] => Array
[0] => (808) 630-6118
[ListAgentFullName] => Array
[0] => M. JoAnn Yee
[CloseDate] => Array
[0] =>
[MatrixModifiedDT] => Array
[0] => 2024-04-22T09:52:21.740
[Matrix_Unique_ID] => Array
[0] => 17486206
[OriginalEntryTimestamp] => Array
[0] => 2023-08-03T05:06:06.837
[MLSAreaMajor] => Array
[0] => Metro
[PropertyFrontage] => Array
[0] => Other
[SpecialListingConditions] => Array
[0] => None
[_thumbnail_id] => Array
[0] => 25908065
[listing_image] => Array
[0] => 25908065
[1] => 25908066
[2] => 25908067
[3] => 25908068
[4] => 25908069
[5] => 25908070
[6] => 25908071
[7] => 25908072
[8] => 25908073
[9] => 25908074
[10] => 25908075
[11] => 25908076
[12] => 25908077
[13] => 25908078
[14] => 25908079
[MatrixModifiedTime] => Array
[0] => 09:52:21.740
- BedsTotal: 3
- Full Baths: 1
- Land Area (sf): 6,489 sf
- Living (sf): 930
- Year Built: 1956
- Property Condition: Tear Down
- Number of Parking Spaces: 6
- View: None
- Listing Office: Avalon Realty LLC
- Land Tenure: FS - Fee Simple
- Elementary School: Kalihi
- Middle School: Dole
- High School: Farrington