84-135 Orange Street Waianae, HI 96792


Price: $910,000
Status: Active

Excellent multifamily, 8 bedroom home split into two 4 bedroom, 2 full bathroom units with a conditional use permit, which provides city ordinance for 6 unrelated inhabitants to occupy the property, perfect for foster care, etc. Fully renovated in 2022, and all new landscaping in 2023 with sprinkler system, fully fenced in wrapped around yard, great for pets or entertaining guests and brand new water filtration system throughout the home. Perfect for investors looking for rental income or wanting to live on one side of the house and rent the other unit to help pay the mortgage. Previous downstairs tenant was paying $3,000 per month + utilities. 35 owned PV panels and a solar water heater keeps the electricity bill very low. AS-IS Sale. Listing by: eXp Realty (808) 452-2910

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    string(745) "Excellent multifamily, 8 bedroom home split into two 4 bedroom, 2 full bathroom units with a conditional use permit, which provides city ordinance for 6 unrelated inhabitants to occupy the property, perfect for foster care, etc. Fully renovated in 2022, and all new landscaping in 2023 with sprinkler system, fully fenced in wrapped around yard, great for pets or entertaining guests and brand new water filtration system throughout the home. Perfect for investors looking for rental income or wanting to live on one side of the house and rent the other unit to help pay the mortgage. Previous downstairs tenant was paying $3,000 per month + utilities. 35 owned PV panels and a solar water heater keeps the electricity bill very low. AS-IS Sale."
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  array(1) {
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  array(1) {
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  array(1) {
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  array(1) {
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  array(1) {
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  array(1) {
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  array(1) {
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    string(8) "26625594"
    string(8) "26625595"
    string(8) "26625596"
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    [MLSNumber] => Array
            [0] => 202416296

    [StreetNumber] => Array
            [0] => 84-135

    [PropertyType] => Array
            [0] => Single Family

    [StreetName] => Array
            [0] => Orange

    [StreetSuffix] => Array
            [0] => Street

    [UnitNumber] => Array
            [0] => 

    [City] => Array
            [0] => Waianae

    [StateOrProvince] => Array
            [0] => HI

    [PostalCode] => Array
            [0] => 96792

    [VirtualTourURLUnbranded] => Array
            [0] => 

    [ListPrice] => Array
            [0] => 910000.00

    [CurrentPrice] => Array
            [0] => 

    [Neighbourhood] => Array
            [0] => MAKAHA

    [Status] => Array
            [0] => Active

    [PublicRemarks] => Array
            [0] => Excellent multifamily, 8 bedroom home split into two 4 bedroom, 2 full bathroom units with a conditional use permit, which provides city ordinance for 6 unrelated inhabitants to occupy the property, perfect for foster care, etc. Fully renovated in 2022, and all new landscaping in 2023 with sprinkler system, fully fenced in wrapped around yard, great for pets or entertaining guests and brand new water filtration system throughout the home. Perfect for investors looking for rental income or wanting to live on one side of the house and rent the other unit to help pay the mortgage. Previous downstairs tenant was paying $3,000 per month + utilities. 35 owned PV panels and a solar water heater keeps the electricity bill very low. AS-IS Sale.

    [ListOfficeName] => Array
            [0] => eXp Realty

    [BedsTotal] => Array
            [0] => 8

    [BathsFull] => Array
            [0] => 4

    [BathsHalf] => Array
            [0] => 0

    [LotSizeArea] => Array
            [0] => 5000.00

    [SqftTotal] => Array
            [0] => 2896

    [YearBuilt] => Array
            [0] => 1980

    [BuildingName] => Array
            [0] => 

    [PropertyCondition] => Array
            [0] => Excellent

    [ParkingTotal] => Array
            [0] => 3

    [StoriesType] => Array
            [0] => Two

    [View] => Array
            [0] => Mountain,Ocean,Sunset

    [MaintenanceExpense] => Array
            [0] => 

    [LandTenure] => Array
            [0] => FS - Fee Simple

    [ElementarySchool] => Array
            [0] => 

    [MiddleOrJuniorSchool] => Array
            [0] => 

    [HighSchool] => Array
            [0] => 

    [ListOfficeMLSID] => Array
            [0] => EXPI

    [ListAgentEmail] => Array
            [0] => cassy@luxurylivinghi.com

    [ListAgentDirectWorkPhone] => Array
            [0] => (808) 452-2910

    [ListAgentFullName] => Array
            [0] => Cassandra Borton

    [CloseDate] => Array
            [0] => 

    [MatrixModifiedDT] => Array
            [0] => 2025-02-03T15:15:08.647

    [Matrix_Unique_ID] => Array
            [0] => 18134536

    [OriginalEntryTimestamp] => Array
            [0] => 

    [MLSAreaMajor] => Array
            [0] => Leeward

    [PropertyFrontage] => Array
            [0] => Other

    [SpecialListingConditions] => Array
            [0] => 

    [_thumbnail_id] => Array
            [0] => 26625583

    [listing_image] => Array
            [0] => 26625583
            [1] => 26625584
            [2] => 26625585
            [3] => 26625586
            [4] => 26625587
            [5] => 26625588
            [6] => 26625589
            [7] => 26625590
            [8] => 26625591
            [9] => 26625592
            [10] => 26625593
            [11] => 26625594
            [12] => 26625595
            [13] => 26625596
            [14] => 26625597
            [15] => 26625598
            [16] => 26625599
            [17] => 26625600
            [18] => 26625601

    [ListingContractDate] => Array
            [0] => 2024-07-16

    [ExemptListingEntryTimestamp] => Array
            [0] => 

    [MatrixModifiedTime] => Array
            [0] => 15:15:08.647


  • BedsTotal: 8
  • Full Baths: 4
  • Land Area (sf): 5,000 sf
  • Living (sf): 2,896
  • Year Built: 1980

  • Property Condition: Excellent
  • Number of Parking Spaces: 3
  • View: Mountain,Ocean,Sunset
  • Listing Office: eXp Realty

  • Land Tenure: FS - Fee Simple


Marcus Realty
