91-1041 Kai Oio Street Ewa Beach, HI 96706
Price: $1,398,888
Status: Active
Professionally designed and decorated 5 Bedroom 4 bath furnished model home with a separate Game Room with attached bath and separate entrance. Home includes hardwood & upgraded flooring, custom paints, quartz countertops, stainless steel Kitchen-aid appliances, front loading washer/dryer, window coverings on most windows, front and back yard professional landscaping, fence, solar hot water and central a/c. Bonus recreational room with attached bath and separate entrance attached to the garage is perfect for extended or visiting family and friends. Fully furnished, move in ready! Enjoy the convenience of pool and BBQ down the street, ample guest parking and well maintained landscaped lanes. Listing by: Coldwell Banker Realty (808) 387-7706
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[MLSNumber] => Array
[0] => 202319314
[StreetNumber] => Array
[0] => 91-1041
[PropertyType] => Array
[0] => Single Family
[StreetName] => Array
[0] => Kai Oio
[StreetSuffix] => Array
[0] => Street
[UnitNumber] => Array
[0] =>
[City] => Array
[0] => Ewa Beach
[StateOrProvince] => Array
[0] => HI
[PostalCode] => Array
[0] => 96706
[VirtualTourURLUnbranded] => Array
[0] =>
[ListPrice] => Array
[0] => 1398888.00
[CurrentPrice] => Array
[0] => 1398888.00
[Neighbourhood] => Array
[Status] => Array
[0] => Active
[PublicRemarks] => Array
[0] => Professionally designed and decorated 5 Bedroom 4 bath furnished model home with a separate Game Room with attached bath and separate entrance. Home includes hardwood & upgraded flooring, custom paints, quartz countertops, stainless steel Kitchen-aid appliances, front loading washer/dryer, window coverings on most windows, front and back yard professional landscaping, fence, solar hot water and central a/c. Bonus recreational room with attached bath and separate entrance attached to the garage is perfect for extended or visiting family and friends. Fully furnished, move in ready! Enjoy the convenience of pool and BBQ down the street, ample guest parking and well maintained landscaped lanes.
[ListOfficeName] => Array
[0] => Coldwell Banker Realty
[BedsTotal] => Array
[0] => 5
[BathsFull] => Array
[0] => 4
[BathsHalf] => Array
[0] => 0
[LotSizeArea] => Array
[0] => 4859.00
[SqftTotal] => Array
[0] => 2906
[YearBuilt] => Array
[0] => 2014
[BuildingName] => Array
[0] =>
[PropertyCondition] => Array
[0] => Excellent
[ParkingTotal] => Array
[0] => 2
[StoriesType] => Array
[0] => Two
[View] => Array
[0] => Other
[MaintenanceExpense] => Array
[0] =>
[LandTenure] => Array
[0] => FS - Fee Simple
[ElementarySchool] => Array
[0] =>
[MiddleOrJuniorSchool] => Array
[0] =>
[HighSchool] => Array
[0] =>
[ListOfficeMLSID] => Array
[0] => CBPP02
[ListAgentEmail] => Array
[0] => kailuaproperties@yahoo.com
[ListAgentDirectWorkPhone] => Array
[0] => (808) 387-7706
[ListAgentFullName] => Array
[0] => Tarlok Singh
[CloseDate] => Array
[0] =>
[MatrixModifiedDT] => Array
[0] => 2023-12-03T17:00:01.250
[Matrix_Unique_ID] => Array
[0] => 17503474
[OriginalEntryTimestamp] => Array
[0] => 2023-08-14T12:11:20.410
[MLSAreaMajor] => Array
[0] => Ewaplain
[PropertyFrontage] => Array
[0] => Other
[SpecialListingConditions] => Array
[0] => None
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[24] => 25917479
[25] => 25917480
[MatrixModifiedTime] => Array
[0] => 17:00:01.250
- BedsTotal: 5
- Full Baths: 4
- Land Area (sf): 4,859 sf
- Living (sf): 2,906
- Year Built: 2014
- Property Condition: Excellent
- Number of Parking Spaces: 2
- View: Other
- Listing Office: Coldwell Banker Realty
- Land Tenure: FS - Fee Simple