99-583 Auhau Place Aiea, HI 96701
Price: $1,400,000
Status: Sold
A place that encompasses the "Best of Both Worlds" awaits you here at Auhau Place! Located in the heart of Halawa, this 4 bed, 3.5 bath welcomes you into a spacious, breezy living area, with solar AC, and window-lined walls that open to beautiful garden and mountain views. The kitchen features a contrasting black-and-white counter and cabinet design, and extends into a dining area complete with recessed lighting. Downstairs, find an ADA accessible bathroom with honeycomb tiling, and a Japanese-style wet-room, making this the perfect home for multi-generational living! Walk upstairs and admire the wood-beam ceiling and walk-in closets of this extra living space that can be used as a bedroom, home-office, or entertainment area! Other features include tankless water heater, 10 OWNED PV Panels, and split ACs in every bedroom! Last, but not least... delight in the joys of a private yard that greets you after a long day at work. Play with your pets and pick fruit from your very own dragonfruit, citrus, and papaya trees. Just a few minutes' drive from the on-ramp, Pearl Harbor, and Honolulu Airport. Island living is made simple here. *If assumable, the 2.25% VA rate is for 723k.* Listing by: Vesta Hawaii Real Estate (808) 561-8200
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[MLSNumber] => Array
[0] => 202416190
[StreetNumber] => Array
[0] => 99-583
[PropertyType] => Array
[0] => Single Family
[StreetName] => Array
[0] => Auhau
[StreetSuffix] => Array
[0] => Place
[UnitNumber] => Array
[0] =>
[City] => Array
[0] => Aiea
[StateOrProvince] => Array
[0] => HI
[PostalCode] => Array
[0] => 96701
[VirtualTourURLUnbranded] => Array
[0] =>
[ListPrice] => Array
[0] => 1400000.00
[CurrentPrice] => Array
[0] => 1400000.00
[Neighbourhood] => Array
[0] => HALAWA
[Status] => Array
[0] => Sold
[PublicRemarks] => Array
[0] => A place that encompasses the "Best of Both Worlds" awaits you here at Auhau Place! Located in the heart of Halawa, this 4 bed, 3.5 bath welcomes you into a spacious, breezy living area, with solar AC, and window-lined walls that open to beautiful garden and mountain views. The kitchen features a contrasting black-and-white counter and cabinet design, and extends into a dining area complete with recessed lighting. Downstairs, find an ADA accessible bathroom with honeycomb tiling, and a Japanese-style wet-room, making this the perfect home for multi-generational living! Walk upstairs and admire the wood-beam ceiling and walk-in closets of this extra living space that can be used as a bedroom, home-office, or entertainment area! Other features include tankless water heater, 10 OWNED PV Panels, and split ACs in every bedroom! Last, but not least... delight in the joys of a private yard that greets you after a long day at work. Play with your pets and pick fruit from your very own dragonfruit, citrus, and papaya trees. Just a few minutes' drive from the on-ramp, Pearl Harbor, and Honolulu Airport. Island living is made simple here. *If assumable, the 2.25% VA rate is for 723k.*
[ListOfficeName] => Array
[0] => Vesta Hawaii Real Estate
[BedsTotal] => Array
[0] => 4
[BathsFull] => Array
[0] => 3
[BathsHalf] => Array
[0] => 1
[LotSizeArea] => Array
[0] => 7906.00
[SqftTotal] => Array
[0] => 3170
[YearBuilt] => Array
[0] => 1965
[BuildingName] => Array
[0] =>
[PropertyCondition] => Array
[0] => Excellent,Above Average
[ParkingTotal] => Array
[0] => 2
[StoriesType] => Array
[0] => Two
[View] => Array
[0] => Garden,Mountain
[MaintenanceExpense] => Array
[0] =>
[LandTenure] => Array
[0] => FS - Fee Simple
[ElementarySchool] => Array
[0] =>
[MiddleOrJuniorSchool] => Array
[0] =>
[HighSchool] => Array
[0] =>
[ListOfficeMLSID] => Array
[0] => VEST
[ListAgentEmail] => Array
[0] => courtney@vestahawaii.com
[ListAgentDirectWorkPhone] => Array
[0] => (808) 561-8200
[ListAgentFullName] => Array
[0] => Courtney J Takai
[CloseDate] => Array
[0] => 2024-11-27
[MatrixModifiedDT] => Array
[0] => 2024-09-01T13:12:13.003
[Matrix_Unique_ID] => Array
[0] => 18131343
[OriginalEntryTimestamp] => Array
[0] => 2024-07-16T16:41:40.367
[MLSAreaMajor] => Array
[0] => PearlCity
[PropertyFrontage] => Array
[0] => Other
[SpecialListingConditions] => Array
[0] => None
[_thumbnail_id] => Array
[0] => 26624927
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[20] => 26624947
[21] => 26624948
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[23] => 26624950
[24] => 26624951
[25] => 26624952
- BedsTotal: 4
- Full Baths: 3
- Half Baths: 1
- Land Area (sf): 7,906 sf
- Living (sf): 3,170
- Year Built: 1965
- Property Condition: Excellent,Above Average
- Number of Parking Spaces: 2
- View: Garden,Mountain
- Listing Office: Vesta Hawaii Real Estate
- Land Tenure: FS - Fee Simple